This expansive region embraces Malpeque Bay from the Darnley Basin on the east through the Grand River and up into the Trout and Bideford River systems. The region continues northwest along the Conway Narrows.
The Narrows, as it’s known locally, is a thin waterway protected from the open waters of the Gulf by long, often-shifting dunes. The shores of Malpeque Bay are dotted with working farms while the shores of the Narrows are mostly coastal marsh and forest.
The Mi’kmaq have been harvesting oysters within this region for millennia and the First Nation of Lennox Island currently operates an oyster hatchery next to the Ellerslie Shellfish Research Station on the Bideford River.
The region is home to a number of the most established oyster processing companies on the island. Traditionally they would buy oysters harvested from public beds across the Island and then grade and pack them for distribution worldwide. Today, these same processors also source oysters from independent growers and manage extensive farms of their own..
The original. The OG. The one that started it all. The Malpqeque oyster has long been synonymous with PEI oysters and understandably so. For many generations, the region was the commercial hub of the Island’s oyster fishery. Its reputation was further solidified at a Paris exhibition in 1900, where it was declared the world’s tastiest oyster. More than a century later, it continues to be a favourite amongst oyster lovers the world over.
Many of the oysters packed in the region are sourced from elsewhere and then relayed into the private leases of processors in the region. After a nice long bath, they are pulled up, packed and sold as Malpeques. The region’s oysters come in every size and shape but all have the famous Malpeque flavour.
Five Star Shellfish is a family-operated company located at Milligan’s Wharf within the Conway Narrows. The well-established company packs a variety of oyster brands that include farmed oysters from private leases as well as select products from the public fishery. Whether fishing lobster or growing oysters, the Jeffery brothers are dedicated to offering the finest shellfish the Island has to offer.
Retail/ Direct Retail Shipping/Offsite Oyster Shucking/Onsite Oyster Service/Experiential Tourism/American Distribution
Located in the village of Tyne Valley, Valley Pearl Oysters specializes in select oysters from the public fishery. The company has private leases within the Malpeque & The Narrows region where they grow oysters and hold them for processing. The company’s busy oyster bar and catering service are a focal point of the community.
Burleigh Brothers Seafood is located in East Bideford within the Malpeque & The Narrows region. This long-established company harvests from private leases that date to the 19th century. They also buy extensively from fishers across the island. This multi-generational oyster family is a proud sponsor of the annual Tyne Valley Oyster Festival and boasts a number of champion oyster shucking champions.
Retail/Direct Retail Shipping/Offsite Oyster Shucking/American Distribution
Situated off of Hardy Channel within the Malpeque & The Narrows region, Leslie Hardy and Sons is a family-operated oyster company dating back to the 19th century. They farm oysters on their leases within the region and also buy oysters sourced from the public fishery. The only thing greater than the years the Hardys have been harvesting oysters is the number of family members involved in operating this renowned company.